The king'ssecretary and the high-priest (or a representative) jointly opened the chest, counted and bagged up the money.
About the year 1629 certain literary friends in Paris agreed to meet informally each week at the house of Valentin Courart, the king'ssecretary.
He even bribed the King'ssecretary to do it, but in vain.
Leaving, he pushes past the gentlemen, and who should he meet but the king'sSecretary!
Cromwell's reward for making it happen was to be appointed, that spring, King Henry's principalsecretary.
The King was accustomed to refer requests for such action on his part to his principalsecretary and councillor.
He had been principalsecretary to Frederick Prince of Wales, and for nearly forty years secretary to the several lords-chamberlain.-E.
The country needs to hugely expand its electricity production to substitute for that firewood, according to Joseph Njoroge, the energy principalsecretary.
On your arrival in London you will deliver my letters to the Admiralty and the principalsecretary of state for the colonies.
Ús de king's clerk en anglès
Wood also covenanted to pay to the King'sclerk or comptroller of the coinage, £200 yearly, and £100 per annum into his Majesty's treasury.